Because Spanish and English share a lot of words with Latin roots, it’s easy to understand Spanish sentences like, “Seattle aprobó un salario mínimo de $15 la hora.” But sometimes words with the same origin take a separate path in each language, or words with different origins resemble each other by coincidence. That can mean trouble.
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com
You might want to tell someone you don’t want to embarrass her and wind up saying, “I don’t want to get you pregnant.” For your protection, here’s a list of Spanish-English “false friends.”
The Spanish words in the first column resemble the English ones in the third column, but have different meanings.
SPANISH word | English translation | ENGLISH word | Spanish translation |
ACTUAL | current, present-day | ACTUAL | real, efectivo |
AMERICANO | person from North or South America | AMERICAN | estadounidense |
ASISTIR | to attend, be present at OR to assist | ASSIST | ayudar |
BILLóN | (US) trillion, (UK) billion | BILLION (US) | mil millones |
BIZARRO | dashing, brave, gallant | BIZARRE | extraño |
BOMBERO | firefighter | BOMBER | bombardero |
CARPETA | folder | CARPET | alfombra |
CASUALIDAD | coincidence, chance | CASUALTY | víctima |
CHOCAR | strike, collide | CHOKE | ahogar |
CODO | elbow | CODE | código |
COLEGIO | high school | COLLEGE | universidad |
COMPROMISO | obligation, commitment | COMPROMISE | componenda |
CONDESCENDER | to comply, agree | CONDESCEND | dignarse |
CONSTIPADO (n.) | a cold | CONSTIPATED | constipado (adj.) |
CONTESTAR | to answer | CONTEST (v.) | contender |
CORRIENTEMENTE | fluently, plainly, flatly | CURRENTLY | actualmente |
DELITO | crime | DELIGHT | delicia, deleite |
DESGRACIA | mistake, misfortune | DISGRACE | vergüenza |
DISGUSTO | annoyance, worry | DISGUST | asco, repugnancia |
DESTITUIDO | fired, deprived | DESTITUTE | indigente |
DORMITORIO | bedroom | DORMITORY | residencia universitaria |
EMBARAZADA | pregnant | EMBARRASSED | avergonzada |
EMPRESA | business enterprise, company | EMPRESS | emperatríz |
ENVIAR | send | ENVY (v.) | envidiar |
ESTRECHAR | to narrow, bring closer together | STRETCH | estirar, alargar |
ESTIMADO | esteemed | ESTIMATE | estimacíon, presupuesto |
ÉXITO | success, hit | EXIT | salida |
FÁBRICA | factory | FABRIC | tela |
GROSERÍA | grossness, crudeness | GROCERY | abarrotería, tienda de comestibles |
INTRODUCIR | insert | INTRODUCE (someone) | presentar |
LARGO | long | LARGE | grande |
LECTURA | reading | LECTURE | conferencia |
LIBRERÍA | bookstore | LIBRARY | biblioteca |
MANTEL | tablecloth | MANTEL | manto, mesilla |
MOLESTAR | bother | MOLEST | abusar (sexualmente) |
NUDO | knot | NUDE | desnudo |
PARADA | stop, e.g. bus stop | PARADE | desfile |
PARIENTE | relative | PARENT | padre |
PRETENDER | to attempt, to woo | PRETEND | fingir |
PREOCUPADO | worried | PREOCCUPIED | distraído |
REALIZAR | to come true | REALIZE | darse cuenta |
RECORDAR | to remember, remind | RECORD | grabar |
ROPA | clothes | ROPE | cuerda |
SANO | healthy | SANE | cuerdo |
SOPA | soup | SOAP | jabón |
SOPORTAR | tolerate, put up with | SUPPORT | apoyar |
SUCESO | event | SUCCESS | éxito |
TUNA | prickly pear | TUNA | atún |
ÚLTIMAMENTE | recently | ULTIMATELY | al final |
VASO | drinking glass | VASE | jarrón, florero |
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com[:en]
Because Spanish and English share a lot of words with Latin roots, it’s easy to understand Spanish sentences like, “Seattle aprobó un salario mínimo de $15 la hora.” But sometimes words with the same origin take a separate path in each language, or words with different origins resemble each other by coincidence. That can mean trouble.
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com
You might want to tell someone you don’t want to embarrass her and wind up saying, “I don’t want to get you pregnant.” For your protection, here’s a list of Spanish-English “false friends.”
The Spanish words in the first column resemble the English ones in the third column, but have different meanings.
SPANISH word | English translation | ENGLISH word | Spanish translation |
ACTUAL | current, present-day | ACTUAL | real, efectivo |
AMERICANO | person from North or South America | AMERICAN | estadounidense |
ASISTIR | to attend, be present at OR to assist | ASSIST | ayudar |
BILLóN | (US) trillion, (UK) billion | BILLION (US) | mil millones |
BIZARRO | dashing, brave, gallant | BIZARRE | extraño |
BOMBERO | firefighter | BOMBER | bombardero |
CARPETA | folder | CARPET | alfombra |
CASUALIDAD | coincidence, chance | CASUALTY | víctima |
CHOCAR | strike, collide | CHOKE | ahogar |
CODO | elbow | CODE | código |
COLEGIO | high school | COLLEGE | universidad |
COMPROMISO | obligation, commitment | COMPROMISE | componenda |
CONDESCENDER | to comply, agree | CONDESCEND | dignarse |
CONSTIPADO (n.) | a cold | CONSTIPATED | constipado (adj.) |
CONTESTAR | to answer | CONTEST (v.) | contender |
CORRIENTEMENTE | fluently, plainly, flatly | CURRENTLY | actualmente |
DELITO | crime | DELIGHT | delicia, deleite |
DESGRACIA | mistake, misfortune | DISGRACE | vergüenza |
DISGUSTO | annoyance, worry | DISGUST | asco, repugnancia |
DESTITUIDO | fired, deprived | DESTITUTE | indigente |
DORMITORIO | bedroom | DORMITORY | residencia universitaria |
EMBARAZADA | pregnant | EMBARRASSED | avergonzada |
EMPRESA | business enterprise, company | EMPRESS | emperatríz |
ENVIAR | send | ENVY (v.) | envidiar |
ESTRECHAR | to narrow, bring closer together | STRETCH | estirar, alargar |
ESTIMADO | esteemed | ESTIMATE | estimacíon, presupuesto |
ÉXITO | success, hit | EXIT | salida |
FÁBRICA | factory | FABRIC | tela |
GROSERÍA | grossness, crudeness | GROCERY | abarrotería, tienda de comestibles |
INTRODUCIR | insert | INTRODUCE (someone) | presentar |
LARGO | long | LARGE | grande |
LECTURA | reading | LECTURE | conferencia |
LIBRERÍA | bookstore | LIBRARY | biblioteca |
MANTEL | tablecloth | MANTEL | manto, mesilla |
MOLESTAR | bother | MOLEST | abusar (sexualmente) |
NUDO | knot | NUDE | desnudo |
PARADA | stop, e.g. bus stop | PARADE | desfile |
PARIENTE | relative | PARENT | padre |
PRETENDER | to attempt, to woo | PRETEND | fingir |
PREOCUPADO | worried | PREOCCUPIED | distraído |
REALIZAR | to come true | REALIZE | darse cuenta |
RECORDAR | to remember, remind | RECORD | grabar |
ROPA | clothes | ROPE | cuerda |
SANO | healthy | SANE | cuerdo |
SOPA | soup | SOAP | jabón |
SOPORTAR | tolerate, put up with | SUPPORT | apoyar |
SUCESO | event | SUCCESS | éxito |
TUNA | prickly pear | TUNA | atún |
ÚLTIMAMENTE | recently | ULTIMATELY | al final |
VASO | drinking glass | VASE | jarrón, florero |
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com[:fr]
Because Spanish and English share a lot of words with Latin roots, it’s easy to understand Spanish sentences like, “Seattle aprobó un salario mínimo de $15 la hora.” But sometimes words with the same origin take a separate path in each language, or words with different origins resemble each other by coincidence. That can mean trouble.
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com
You might want to tell someone you don’t want to embarrass her and wind up saying, “I don’t want to get you pregnant.” For your protection, here’s a list of Spanish-English “false friends.”
The Spanish words in the first column resemble the English ones in the third column, but have different meanings.
SPANISH word | English translation | ENGLISH word | Spanish translation |
ACTUAL | current, present-day | ACTUAL | real, efectivo |
AMERICANO | person from North or South America | AMERICAN | estadounidense |
ASISTIR | to attend, be present at OR to assist | ASSIST | ayudar |
BILLóN | (US) trillion, (UK) billion | BILLION (US) | mil millones |
BIZARRO | dashing, brave, gallant | BIZARRE | extraño |
BOMBERO | firefighter | BOMBER | bombardero |
CARPETA | folder | CARPET | alfombra |
CASUALIDAD | coincidence, chance | CASUALTY | víctima |
CHOCAR | strike, collide | CHOKE | ahogar |
CODO | elbow | CODE | código |
COLEGIO | high school | COLLEGE | universidad |
COMPROMISO | obligation, commitment | COMPROMISE | componenda |
CONDESCENDER | to comply, agree | CONDESCEND | dignarse |
CONSTIPADO (n.) | a cold | CONSTIPATED | constipado (adj.) |
CONTESTAR | to answer | CONTEST (v.) | contender |
CORRIENTEMENTE | fluently, plainly, flatly | CURRENTLY | actualmente |
DELITO | crime | DELIGHT | delicia, deleite |
DESGRACIA | mistake, misfortune | DISGRACE | vergüenza |
DISGUSTO | annoyance, worry | DISGUST | asco, repugnancia |
DESTITUIDO | fired, deprived | DESTITUTE | indigente |
DORMITORIO | bedroom | DORMITORY | residencia universitaria |
EMBARAZADA | pregnant | EMBARRASSED | avergonzada |
EMPRESA | business enterprise, company | EMPRESS | emperatríz |
ENVIAR | send | ENVY (v.) | envidiar |
ESTRECHAR | to narrow, bring closer together | STRETCH | estirar, alargar |
ESTIMADO | esteemed | ESTIMATE | estimacíon, presupuesto |
ÉXITO | success, hit | EXIT | salida |
FÁBRICA | factory | FABRIC | tela |
GROSERÍA | grossness, crudeness | GROCERY | abarrotería, tienda de comestibles |
INTRODUCIR | insert | INTRODUCE (someone) | presentar |
LARGO | long | LARGE | grande |
LECTURA | reading | LECTURE | conferencia |
LIBRERÍA | bookstore | LIBRARY | biblioteca |
MANTEL | tablecloth | MANTEL | manto, mesilla |
MOLESTAR | bother | MOLEST | abusar (sexualmente) |
NUDO | knot | NUDE | desnudo |
PARADA | stop, e.g. bus stop | PARADE | desfile |
PARIENTE | relative | PARENT | padre |
PRETENDER | to attempt, to woo | PRETEND | fingir |
PREOCUPADO | worried | PREOCCUPIED | distraído |
REALIZAR | to come true | REALIZE | darse cuenta |
RECORDAR | to remember, remind | RECORD | grabar |
ROPA | clothes | ROPE | cuerda |
SANO | healthy | SANE | cuerdo |
SOPA | soup | SOAP | jabón |
SOPORTAR | tolerate, put up with | SUPPORT | apoyar |
SUCESO | event | SUCCESS | éxito |
TUNA | prickly pear | TUNA | atún |
ÚLTIMAMENTE | recently | ULTIMATELY | al final |
VASO | drinking glass | VASE | jarrón, florero |
by Judith B Herman, mental floss.com[:]