Peek v. Peak v. Pique
Peek: Taking a quick look at something.
Example: She peeked into the room to see if he was there.
Peak: Is the highest point of something.
Example: He died at the peak of his career.
Pique: Is to provoke or instigate something
Example: The story piqued my curiosity.
Peek v. Peak v. Pique
Peek: Taking a quick look at something.
Example: She peeked into the room to see if he was there.
Peak: Is the highest point of something.
Example: He died at the peak of his career.
Pique: Is to provoke or instigate something
Example: The story piqued my curiosity.
Peek v. Peak v. Pique
Peek: Taking a quick look at something.
Example: She peeked into the room to see if he was there.
Peak: Is the highest point of something.
Example: He died at the peak of his career.
Pique: Is to provoke or instigate something
Example: The story piqued my curiosity.
Tip of the week: Peek v. Peak v. Pique